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Postpartum International Support:

You are not alone and you are not to blame.

Help is available. You will get better.

HelpLine: 1.800.944.4773

Text in English: 800-944-4773 | Text en Español: 971-203-7773

If you are having thoughts of hurting yourself or your baby, take action now:

Put the baby in a safe place, like a crib. Call a friend, family member, or mental health hotline (free & staffed all day, every day) for help.


  • National Hopeline Network
    1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)


  • National Strategy for Suicide Prevention: LifeLine
    1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
    Has hotlines for every state


  • PPDMoms
    1-800-PPDMOMS (1-800-773-6667)Call your psychologist’s or other licensed mental health provider’s emergency number. Call your doctor’s or other primary health care provider’s emergency number. Go to your local hospital emergency room. Tell someone you trust about what you are feeling; ask him or her to help you take these steps.


(What is postpartum depression and anxiety?)


  • The Motherhood Center â€‹â€‹provides supportive services for new and expecting moms/birthing people, including a range of treatment options for those suffering from perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs.)





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